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Creating A Beautiful Home and Garden

When I purchased a home a few years ago, I had no idea what kind of workload I would be faced with. In addition to trying to figure out how to keep the place clean, I was also left with the challenge of tidying up the yard and keeping things trimmed. It was a little overwhelming, but I knew that I could do it with a little hard work and dedication. I started reading a lot of books and blogs about creating gorgeous things for your home and yard, and it was a great creative outlet. This blog is all about exciting, fun ways to make your home and yard even more beautiful.

Creating A Beautiful Home and Garden

    How To Easily Clean Your Glass Shower Doors

    If you have glass shower doors that surround your bathtub, then you likely clean the doors incessantly. If you do not, then the door becomes an unsightly mess. Cleaning is likely not your favorite job around your home. Thankfully, there are many ways you can make the cleaning process easier. Keep reading to learn how. Use The Right Cleaning Products When you look for a product to clean your shower door, you need to find something that will get rid of the mineral deposits formed on the glass due to your hard water.

    5 Considerations When Selecting Draperies For Your Conservatory

    If your home has a conservatory, then you have a unique drapery challenge. A conservatory tends to be used somewhat as a greenhouse and also as a sun room, which means that your drapes need to serve many functions and still look great. Before you pick patterns and fabric, it is important that you consider the following five things.  What purpose will the drapes serve?  Some people choose to forgo draperies in the conservatory altogether, making the conservatory into a greenhouse.

    Tips To Maintain Your Thermostat To Help Keep Your Home Heated Comfortably In The Winter

    When your home's thermostat is not calibrated properly and not working right, it can have an affect on the comfort of your home and the efficiency of your home heating system. Just as you clean and maintain your furnace you should also clean and maintain your thermostat every year. If your thermostat is set at 70 degrees F, but is actually maintaining your home's temperature at 73 degrees F, the extra energy used can increase your energy bill by up to seven percent more.

    Looking For Land? These Features Will Help Ensure A Sweet Deal

    Buying a piece of land isn't typically as complicated as purchasing property with a home built on it because there are not building codes and insurance policies in question. But there are still a variety of factors that should be considered to help ensure that there aren't any regrets once you've purchased your piece of raw land. Look for the following features during your property hunt: Surveyed Terrain An effective way to make sure that you know exactly what you'll be getting with your land purchase is to focus on land options that have been surveyed by a professional.

    3 Things You Can Do To Protect Yourself From the Zika Virus

    The media is buzzing right now with coverage of South America's widespread Zika outbreak and the virus's apparent link to a birth defect know as microcephaly. The virus is transmitted primarily by Aedes aegypti mosquitos, and as travelers return to the United States from affected countries, it's possible that there will be some regions of the country that experience a localized spread of the illness. Read on to learn three things you can do to help protect yourself and your family from the Zika virus and the mosquitos that carry it.

    From Floor To Wall: Which Fabrics Best Compliment Common Flooring Materials

    When selecting drapes for a room, you should take into consideration the overall architecture of the room, the feeling you want to achieve, and the furniture that is already in the room. Perhaps the most important aspect of a room to consider when selecting drapery fabric is the flooring. Below are five common types of flooring, and the types of drapery fabric that work well with them.  Tile  Tile flooring generally gives a room an open, airy feeling.