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Creating A Beautiful Home and Garden

When I purchased a home a few years ago, I had no idea what kind of workload I would be faced with. In addition to trying to figure out how to keep the place clean, I was also left with the challenge of tidying up the yard and keeping things trimmed. It was a little overwhelming, but I knew that I could do it with a little hard work and dedication. I started reading a lot of books and blogs about creating gorgeous things for your home and yard, and it was a great creative outlet. This blog is all about exciting, fun ways to make your home and yard even more beautiful.

Creating A Beautiful Home and Garden

    Possible Reasons Your Air Conditioner Has A Burning Odor

    It's unsettling when you notice a burning odor coming from your air conditioner. You might smell a smoky odor, burning rubber, or burning plastic. While the odor might not be serious, in some cases, it can signal problems that need quick attention to prevent a fire. Here's a look at a few possible reasons why your AC has a burning odor. The Filter Might Be Clogged If you forgot all about cleaning or changing the air filter, then it might be so clogged up that airflow is restricted through the inside of the HVAC system.

    What Should Be In Your Home Work Station?

    If you plan to set up a business in your home. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to set up a good work station. If this will be your space of productivity, you want a space that puts you in the right frame of mind to be professional. It should be just as comfortable and well-equipped as a traditional office. Perhaps even more so, because you're in control of it.

    3 Signs That It's Time For Metal Roof Maintenance

    A metal roof can last a life time with minimal maintenance, but it does sometimes require a minor repair. Knowing what to watch for is key to catching small problems early before they develop into something more troublesome. The following are three signs of maintenance issues that any metal roof owner should check for annually. #1: Rust or discoloration A metal roof should not rust, but occasionally a problem with discoloration occurs.

    Creating A Classic Gothic-Inspired Entrance For Your Home

    A Gothic-inspired doorway can add vintage charm and style to the entrance of your home. With the right touches, you can create a stunning new look for your home while showing off a bit of your personality. Use the following ideas to create your own Gothic look. Stained Glass Sidelights Adding sidelights to your door can create the look of a grand entrance. Work with a contractor to create the space for sidelights if you don't already have them, and choose a stained glass design to add to the Gothic look.

    Why Hiring A Cleaning Services Company Is Ideal For Homeowners

    Is your home in need of a thorough cleaning? If so, you may have been procrastinating due to the task seeming to be overwhelming. When homeowners procrastinate about cleaning, it can result in more clutter and filth. Perhaps you have not gotten around to performing a thorough cleaning due to having a busy lifestyle. Having a cluttered or unclean home can cause multiple issues. It may contribute to stress. You may also isolate yourself or refuse to have friends and family visit.

    Why It Is So Important To Not Overfeed Your Aquarium

    You may believe that your fish will be thrilled when you give them more food. But too much food can actually be harmful to fish and pollute your fish tank. Too much food can lead to fish stress and can cause an excess accumulation of nutrients.  Fish Don't Need That Much Food Fish search for food all day and always appear hungry. However, your fish should only be fed what they can eat for 2 minutes.

    Mold Growing Behind Your Fridge? Check Your Kitchen

    Mold can grow inside a refrigerator if it has a moisture problem. But if you find mold growing behind your refrigerator, you may have a broken or damaged plumbing pipe beneath the flooring or behind the wall. Follow the tips below to locate the source of the mold behind your refrigerator. Inspect the Floor for Bubbled, Lifted, and Wet Tile The first thing you want to do is rule out the refrigerator as the reason behind the mold.

    3 Reasons To Buy A Commercial Cutter

    Even though you might have seen a lot of nice commercial cutters, you may have never really thought about buying one. However, a commercial lawn mower can be a good purchase. These are a few reasons why you may want to consider buying one of these mowers: 1. Get Your Lawn Cut More Quickly Even though you might enjoy the perks of a beautiful lawn, you might not like to spend a ton of time on yard work.